Tenders webhooks for Suppliers
What is it ?
A webhook is a request that SupplierXM sends to your server to alert you of an update. By subscribing for Tenders webhooks allows a third party tool used by a supplier (or the supplier directly) to receive real-time notifications from SupplierXM when things happen on the supplier account, so they can take automated actions in response, for example: when a retailer on SupplierXM sends to a supplier a Tender, then the supplier or the supplier's third party tool will receive a webhook notification so that they can then view the new tender information.
Webhooks for Tenders events
1. Subscribe to Tender Webhooks
You can view the list of possible webhooks to subscribe by calling the API: /rfp/public/v1/webhooks_events, method LIST (List Webhook Event)
If you wish to receive notifications from our servers you have to subscribe:
- Call the API /rfp/public/v1/webhook, Method POST (Create Webhook)
- Body:
- your URL to which will be sent the notifications to
- webhook event(s) you wish to subscribe to - Response: includes your webhook UUID (needed to update the webhook subscription)
2. List your subscribed webhook events
Call the API /rfp/public/v1/webhook, Method LIST (List Webhook)
3. Update your webhooks subscription
It is possible to update your subscription to:
- Update URL
- Subscribe or unsubscribe to one of the webhook events (removing it from the body means unsubscribing)
- Call the API /rfp/public/v1/webhook, Method PUT (Update Webhook)
- Mandatory fields: your webhook uuid
5. Delete all SupplierXM webhooks subscription
Call the API /rfp/public/v1/webhook, Method DELETE (Delete Webhook)
6. Listen to notifications
EVENT_CREATED (new event and its UoNs received): webhook notification will contain the event_uuid, you can then call the event list API (List Event) with that UUID to get the data of this new event.
EVENT_UPDATED (event or its UoNs updated, including new UoN received for that event): webhook notification will contain the even_ uuid, you can then call the event list API (List Event) with that UUID to know what data has been updated.
EVENT_DELETED (event and its UoNs deleted): webhook notification will contain the event_uuid
BU_CHASED (reminder sent for a specific business unit (meaning UoN)): webhook notification will contain the business_unit_uuid
ANSWER_STATUS_UPDATED (a proposal status is updated: either when proposal is sent - value SENT or SEND-ERROR - or when the retailer updates the selection status (value UPDATE_REQUESTED, SELECTED, REJECTED)) : webhook notification will contain the answer_uuid, you can then call the answer list API (List Answer) with that UUID to know what is the new status
NEW_CHAT_MESSAGE (a new message is received for a specific UoN): webhook notification will contain the business_unit_uuid, you can then call the messages list API with that UUID to know what message has been received
ANSWER_SENDABLE_UPDATED (the sendable status of a proposal - which defines whether it can be sent to the retailer or not - is updated): webhook notification will contain the answer_uuid and the new proposal’s sendable status (either false, pending or true).
When you receive a notification, you must send an acknowledgment response to SupplierXM (HTTP code 200). If you haven’t sent an acknowledgment during 48 hours of a received notification, then we will consider the webhook broken and we will stop sending you notifications.
To unbreak it, please :
- Call the API /v1/webhooks/{uuid}/unbreak, method POST (API reference link)
- Mandatory field: your webhook uuid in the URL
Updated over 1 year ago