This method lists all the products you have access to.
If you would like to call this API from this website, you will be asked to provide your authentication token, please prefix this token with following wording 'Bearer '.

Some details on the API query params

advanced_search is an object containing an array must
The array must should contain one string query and a list of fields fields defining where the query should apply. Must acts as a AND between queries

  • Filter types: must
  • Supported fields : , , , brand.label , kind.label ,
  • Query object: {query: value, fields: []}
    "advanced_search": {
        "must": [
                "query": "jam",
                "fields": [

In the example below, the result contains products having:

  • BOTH jam and organic words
  • jam being in the product name OR the product kind OR the description
  • organic being in the product name OR the description
    "advanced_search": {
        "must": [
                "query": "jam",
                "fields": [
                "query": "organic",
                "fields": [

Some details on the API response:

  • All the available fields are documented Attributes documentation
  • Most fields are only applicable to certain categories of products.
  • The API only returns the fields that are filled for a product. If a field is not present in the output, the data has not yet been filled for this product.
  • This API is paginated, to view the full data, you will have to make several calls, increasing the offset parameter each time.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!