List of errors

All errors will follow this pattern :

    "message": "You don't have the permission to perform this action",
    "status": 403,
    "data": {

You will often find more details in the data object and when there are several errors on a bulk update, you will find the list of errors in the errors array.

Status Message
400 Too many RFPs, maximum is 1000
Error during rfps bulk upserting
You will find the list of errors in the `data.errors` array
Bad parameter in rfps
Payload malformed: {error}
403 You don't have the permission to perform this action
404 business unit(s) not found
Supplier(s) {supplier_ids} not found
supplier not found
409 Duplicate rfp for business unit and supplier
rfp(s) already exists
500 Internal server error
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